With the recent news associated with COVID-19 (i.e. Coronavirus), CFE Media and Technology (CFE) regrets to inform that the 2020 Marketing to Engineers® event on April 27 in Chicago has been postponed. For everyone’s health and safety, as well as to practice the recommended social distancing, CFE has made the difficult but necessary decision to postpone this year’s event. At this time, CFE Media and Technology is looking at potential alternative dates for the in-person event later in the year.
As a way to continue education in marketing to engineers, CFE Media and Technology will be launching a virtual event on Monday, April 27. Although it is not the same experience as the live event, CFE intends to have all previously scheduled speakers pre-record their presentations and will assemble them as on-demand webcasts. Viewers will be able to register for separate presentations, and can view them on any computer, tablet, or smart device.