eBooks are single-topic, multi-sponsored or custom supplements that are promoted via web and enewsletter inventory for the duration of a the 6-month sponsorship. CFE Media and Technology’s editorial and custom eBooks allow the customer the ability to associate their brand with CFE Media and Technology’s best-performing content on a particular topic. Through a full-court press of marketing efforts, leads are gathered via a number of sources to keep the customers sales funnel full. Sponsoring an eBook will position your company as an industry expert and thought leader while bringing in leads for your sales team.
of engineers rate technical articles as highly or moderately valuable as content within eBooks.
of engineers prefer a downloadable PDF format to consume content.
of engineers rate eBooks as highly or moderately valuable as a source of content.
eBook Success Story
eBook Success Story
Click here to view a real-life case study about how CFE Media and Technology delivered high-performing ROI for a client targeting a specific segment of the CFE engineering audience.
eBook ROI
eBook ROI
Click here to view a sample ROI report from CFE Media and Technology that represents the type of promotion and performance clients will receive through the sponsorship of an eBook.
More Information
To find out more about eBooks, please contact Paul Brouch, Director of Operations, Email: pbrouch@cfemedia.com , or Katie Spain, Art Director, Email: kspain@cfemedia.com