It’s no surprise that engineers have their quirks and preferences, some of which make them difficult to market to. To help alleviate some of the complexity, we’ve put together a series of eBooks that can help you navigate the engineering waters.
Part 1: Website Marketing
Website Marketing
The first installment of this eBook series takes you through the best ways to market to engineers with your website.
Part 3: Demand-Gen Content Throughout the Buyers' Journey
Demand-Gen Content Throughout the Buyer's Journey
In part three of this eBook series, we'll explore the most effective methods for keeping engineers engaged throughout the buying cycle.
Part 5: Trade Shows & Events
Trade Shows & Events
In part five of this eBook series, we'll explain why events are still one of the best resources for solidifying relationships with customers and prospects.
Part 7: In-Person and Online Continuing Education
In-Person and Online Continuing Education
In part seven of the eBook series, we'll elaborate on why continuing education is so vital in the field of engineering.
Part 2: Email Marketing
Email Marketing
In part two of this eBook series, check out some helpful hints about how you can capture the attention of engineers with your emails.
Part 4: Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing
In part four of this eBook series, we'll shed light on some of the ways engineers use social media and identify the best ways to connect.
Part 6: Content Needs, Social Media Usage, and Supplier Relations
Content Needs, Social Media Usage, and Supplier Relations
In part six of this eBook series, we'll explain the importance of understanding the needs and challenges of supplier-customer relations.
Part 8: The Buying & Specification Center
The Buying & Specification Center
In part eight of the eBook series, we'll discuss supplier needs, process, flow and wants when going through the buy/spec process.