Our CFE Services® team of custom content strategists will bring your company’s insights to life, positioning you as the top expert in your industry. Additionally, we’ll get that content in front of the right audience through the right channels, at the right time in the sales cycle. Together, we’ll make your custom content marketing program a success—and your company the go-to source of information for your market.

words of content
pages of written copy
minute interviews

Success Story

Success Story

View the real-life case study about how CFE Services delivered high-performing ROI for a client targeting a specific segment of the CFE engineering audience.

ROI Report

ROI Report

View a sample ROI report from CFE Services that represents the type of promotion and performance a client will receive through the sponsorship of a CFE custom content piece.

More Information

To find out more about CFE Services®, please contact Patrick Lynch, Managing Director and Partner, Email: plynch@cfetechnology.com , or Courtney Murphy, Director of Marketing Services, Email: cmurphy@cfemedia.com.